Monday, August 15, 2016

Birth Month - Day 15

Andrew didn't have a lot of "causes" but one thing he always supported was breast cancer research.  When he was only 5, we lost my stepmother (Michael, Sara, and Carey's mom) to breast cancer.  Because he was only 5 and she was diagnosed when he was only 2, he didn't really know her well.  But he watched the effect it had on my younger brother and sisters.  Then my mom died from another form of cancer, a brain tumor, in 2008 and then a couple of years later my Aunt Sandra (my mom's sister) was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Once Sandra was well enough, we decided to contribute to the cause.  We signed up to do a Susan G. Komen walk at Atlantic Station.  When I asked Andrew he immediately said yes and got Natalia on board too.  Then my Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike joined as well as Sandra's husband, my Uncle Bob.  Sandra and I raised enough money to be in the top 100 and got special shirts with our names on them, as well as having our names displayed on the big board at the party area at the finish line.

I'm so proud Andrew joined in to help raise money for a nasty cancer that has greatly impacted our lives.  Though my mom didn't die from breast cancer, I believe a cure found for any cancer will lead to a cure for them all.  Andrew needed no convincing to do this I just had to ask him if he wanted too.  This is one of the ways he showed his love for his family and others.  He might not have been verbal but he always showed up for what was important.  Actions do speak louder than words.

Here are some photos from that day.

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