Saturday, August 6, 2016

Birth Month - Day 6

After the service we had for Andrew, we spent a few days in California with my brother and his girlfriend.  When we returned, the hospital also had a service for Andrew.  They held it in the Strickland Chapel and it was very sweet.  All of the chaplains spoke and then Andrew's team in the ED presented me with a memory book.  It is one of the most precious things I have received as it contains their stories and memories about Andrew.  It's especially perfect for me as it is like a scrapbook which is definitely right up my alley!

The stories and memories from Andrew's co-workers/friends/family have a resounding theme - Andrew was initially quiet and shy, but soon became known for his sarcasm, laughter, and practical jokes.  Oh yeah, and his competitive spirit.  I love reading their stories and remembering Andrew and learning how others saw him.  It is so comforting to know people really loved Andrew.

The cover picture was taken at the Patient Access Christmas Party in December 2015.  Not my best look but it is a great picture of Andrew, Natalia and I and how we were on a daily basis.  Thank you Patient Access!

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