If you knew Andrew, then you know he could be incredibly persuasive when he wanted something. If it was something he could buy and you didn't get it for him (in the time frame he wanted), he'd find a way to get it himself. But if it is something he needed you to do, then his relentless negotiating skills were immediately engaged. Such was the case on Spring Break 2014, when he convinced me we needed to do the Slingshot together. This is a ride that literally shoots you into the air as if you were the rock in a slingshot. So, I was going to be propelled hundreds of feet in the air, secured with a roll bar like a car would have, attached to seat that was grounded with large rubber bands. I've had rubber bands snap when a pony tail was too tight, was I really going to trust them to hold my full weight? Yes, it took some convincing, but like always, Andrew talked me into it. Here we are waiting for the ride to begin.
To see our ride, try this link
Warning, it is not censored and I might have a said some bad words.
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